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About Us

Why was R&R Consultants started?

The founders recognized that many small business owners had a clear idea of where they wanted to be, or where they needed to be, in terms of performance and profitability. The problem was getting their organization to that higher level of performance in a reasonable timeframe. Problems typically occur in 3 areas

  • Help focus the sales engine for growth
  • Create optimal structure to reduce operating costs
  • Focus on rewarding and developing the human elements of the company

To solve this problem, R&R Consultants Canada was created. Our consultants have held executive roles in Sales, Marketing and HR in Fortune 150 companies and bring those experiences and processes to the small business world. We have coached hundreds of small businesses, developed countless business plans and, created reward events that employees talk about years later. We are authentic, responsive and looking to help.

Contact us today to get started.

R&R Business Consultants Canada Owners Steven Connor and Sherry Connor

Steven Connor

After 27 years of corporate leadership roles in Sales, Marketing and Human Resources, Steve provides a unique skillset to bring to any small business. The combination of Sales and HR experience enables business owners to thoughtfully balance the need for results with the need for foundational processes to grow the business.

Sherry Connor

Sherry brings 12+ years of customer service experience in pharmacy operations and the financial industry to her most recent passion – travel. As a TICO certified travel consultant, she brings her extensive travel background and experience to exceed every expectation.

Engage us for a 30-minute no-obligation conversation about your business!

Contact Info

Steven Connor
905 577 3330

Sherry Connor
905 978 3902